Half term is fast approaching (with an extra day tagged on for some school for training) and already the longer summer holidays are in sight. We’re sure that like us, you love having the children at home, however, finding something to keep them occupied and happy can be a challenge at times, especially when their usual toys and games don’t seem to be doing to job.
We’ve put together some ideas for you to help you keep your little ones going!
There’s nothing quite like playing in your own special hideaway. We’re sure that you have memories of your own play tents and dens from when you were younger, we certainly do. Perfect for picnics, playdates, playing house, reading or just hanging out in. Curiously a game or toy that is “boring” one minute can turn into a great fun activity when it is enjoyed inside a special den. Just don’t forget the secret password or you won’t be allowed to go in!
Indoor or out, a picnic can be a great fun activity. Cut up food into little bite size pieces, arrange them in a fun way, add napkins, straws and other fun bits to add to the adventure. Perhaps you could invite friends, teddy bears, dolls or even action figures to attend? Extend this fun activity by having your children help make the picnic food in advance. Baking and decorating little cakes often goes down very well.
The weather is rarely an obstacle when it comes to going for a wall, thanks to coats, welly boots and umbrellas. Rain or shine, enjoy the local area, jump in muddy puddles or enjoy local parks and walks. Why not do a little research about your town or city. There may be monuments or points of interest that you don’t know about and the children will enjoy. Remember, going for a walk is boring. Going for an adventure, well that’s completely different!
An “I’m Bored Jar”
Here’s a tried and tested top tip for you. Fill a jar or similar with a mix of quick activities and tasks. If children claim they are bored they can have a dig in the jar, pull a folded piece of paper out and see what they’ve got. It could be a bonus 20 minutes of digital time, matching up socks or something random like “how long can you hold your breath for?”. Try and be as inventive as you can.
*Two I’m bored jars can be helpful if you want to split activities into indoor and outdoor categories. That way you don’t run the risk of explaining why your children can’t go and play on the swings in a torrential downpour when the rules say you have to do what’s written on the paper.
*Two I’m bored jars can be helpful if you want to split activities into indoor and outdoor categories. That way you don’t run the risk of explaining why your children can’t go and play on the swings in a torrential downpour when the rules say you have to do what’s written on the paper.
Traditional Games
Board games, jigsaws and construction toys have been around for a very long time and the reason for this is that they appeal to children in a variety of ways. Basically, they never get old. With so many games and jigsaws to choose from you’ll be spoilt for choice.

Play Dates
All of these are great ways to keep little ones occupied during the school holiday. They would be even better if they could be shared with a special friend. If you want to make your child’s day arrange a surprise playdate.
When it comes to the holidays children do need down time. They are after all on a break from has probably been a very busy half term at school. As well as free play, sleep ins, family movies and similar it pays to have a variety of activities such as those above planned.
What are your “go to” activities for the school holidays?
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